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Up in his room Gary stripped out of his school uniform and stood in his white briefs in front of his full length mirror and flexed his muscles, five foot eight inches of sex on legs, he thought to himself and he started to tent his briefs so he rubbed his rapidly hardening cock and groaned slightly when he did.
Locking the door he stripped off his briefs and lay naked on the bed on his back with his six inch hard cock laying on his stomach, he decided to turn over and rub his cock up the bedspread, it had ridges in it and when he fucked the bed it felt so good, he soon shot his cum.
Gary got the old wash cloth and put it underneath him and started a slow rhythmic fuck, he closed his eyes and all the boy's he fantasised about at school crossed his mind, with Daniel the most prominent, soon the feeling that he always got hit his balls and he shot spurts of his teen sperm onto the cloth, and he lay with his still hard cock lying in the cooling sperm.
He was still hard and felt he could shoot again so still thinking of Daniel dropping to his knees and sucking on Gary's hard cock he started to do the fucking motion on the bed again, it took a bit longer but he moaned quietly as his ejaculation erupted and he shot another 3 good spurts onto the already sticky cum cloth, he lay there gathering his thoughts and then got up and clean himself up and pull on his briefs and sports socks and football shorts and a clean tee shirt and then went to the bathroom quickly to rinse out the cum clogged cloth, he hung it under the bed as he always did and went downstairs to join his parents.
Takeaways were the order of the day for dinner, so he picked his Chinese dish off the menu dad had got out and he sat and did some homework in the small office set aside for that purpose, he had one new thing that the money had been spent on, a new top of the range laptop his dad had bought him, at nearly a £1000 it was really the best he had seen and made his homework go like a dream because of the super fast broadband they had upgraded to as well.
He saw Daniel was online in MSN so sent him a message and was glad to get back a reply stating that Daniel was sorry he had given Gary a bit of grief on the phone and understood why he had to keep quiet, saying that he would see him soon he logged off.
The food arrived and they ate in the kitchen as they watched the evening news and an item came on about the record Euro lottery winners and how they still hadn't been identified, they all laughed at it and his dad reiterated that secrecy was paramount because they would get lots of media attention otherwise and loads of people trying to get them to lend money to them.
Gary agreed but did secretly wish he could tell the school, dinner over Gary went back to his room and watched a bit of tv in his room until Daniel arrived with his parents and his dad said to come down for a meeting.
At the meeting Gary's dad outlined what the two families had discussed so far, that they would buy a place for them all to live, that money would go into trust funds for both boys, and that they would be placed in a new school as they would probably encounter problems at the one they were in now.
Gary and Daniel were sitting together in the lounge, Daniel was in soccer shorts as well and he had a nice defined leg Gary thought and it somewhat distracted Gary to have his bare leg next to his and he swore that Daniel was rubbing his leg up and down his, a fact that was making his cock twitch in his briefs, even though he had spunked two good loads not more than an hour earlier.
Gary's dad droned on about the secrecy that both families had to carry on with as the distraction of publicity would drive them apart, He said that they had a couple of new houses to look at and this weekend he planned a trip out to look at one and then they would stop off a hotel to stay a night to save on a long drive home.
One thing that made both boys sit up to attention was that from immediate effect they would both have £5000 to spend on new stuff Gary's dad said. Gary looked at Daniel and they smiled at each other, one thing that came to mind for Gary was a new mobile phone to replace the cheapo one he had.
The bulk of the talking over Gary and Daniel excused themselves to go to Gary's room while the adults celebrated with a bottle of wine or two, once up there they chatted about what they would buy with their money. Gary put on his TV and asked Daniel if he wanted to watch a DVD, but he said he wanted to talk.
"Gary what do you think about this idea of us all living together?" said Daniel being the more intelligent of the two friends he always seemed to ask the questions that got right to the point thought Gary
"Well I don't know really, it's a lot to take in, if it happened would we get to share a room?" replied Gary
Daniel looked at him a bit funny and replied, "would you want to share a room then?"
"Yeah it's fine by me if, it's ok with you" Gary went on
Daniel mused over this and said "mmm well I guess so depends on what the rents decide to buy, I heard them talking and they said that the place we are going to look at on Saturday is massive"
"Oh lord I forgot, what about my swim practice session?" cried Gary
"Oh yeah I forgot as well, better go tell the rents and see what they say Gary" Daniel said
"Ok I will be right back; I'll get us some drinks shall I? Replied Gary
"Good idea, make mine a Coke if you have one" Daniel said
Gary nodded and went downstairs and told his parents about the swim practice session.
"Well we need to set off by mid morning Gary, so I reckon you will have to give it a miss ok?" said his dad
"Mmm well ok I guess I will have to, can't be helped I guess" Gary replied
He went to the kitchen and grabbed two cans of Coke from the fridge and scampered upstairs
He got back to his room and saw Daniel was laying on the bed stretched out and he did a double take to see that Daniel had taken off his tee shirt and was just in his blue soccer shorts and socks "sorry Garry, I am a bit hot so took off my shirt" said Daniel.
Gary lay the cans down on his side table and looked at Daniel "you certainly are HOT!!!" thought Gary and his cock started to erect in his briefs, he looked over to the window and saw the top window was fully open and he wasn't all that hot so he thought that Daniel had a different agenda.
"Put the TV on now if you want Gary" said Daniel
So Gary grabbed the remote and switched it on and found a game show was on they both liked
"Want to share the bed?" Said Daniel
"Oh god wouldn't I just" thought Gary and his cock twitched again and he felt it was beginning to show in his shorts.
"Yeah scoot up then Daniel" Gary replied
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